News and Events

Welcome to Our New Website!

Dec 07, 2016

North Wood County Historical Society is proud to announce the the launch of our new and improved website. The redesigned site is mobile-friendly, easier to navigate and includes additional features including search functionality of our archives.

The North Wood County Historical Society is proud to announce the the launch of our new and improved website. The renovated site is now mobile-friendly and has significant benefits over the old design. Developed with readability and simplicity in mind, the Governor William H. Upham / NWCHS website allows users to easily navigate through various pages of content and information. New to this version of the site is an Archives page, which allows visitors to quickly lookup some of the many historic resources available at the mansion.

The specific sections of the website include:

  • Home - An overview of the Governor William H. Upham House and North Wood County Historical Society.
  • About Us - Detailed information about NWCHS officers, our mission and history.
  • News & Events - The latest news and event information along with an archive of past NWCHS newsletters.
  • Membership - Includes a printable membership form for joining NWCHS and to help support our cause.
  • Archives - A searchable database of our archival documents available at the mansion (work-in-progress).
  • Reproductions - A printable and online form for submitting photo or document reproduction requests.
  • Gallery - A showcasing of current and past happenings at Upham Mansion and NWCHS.
  • Resources - Links to external websites and sources pertaining to local history.
  • Contact Us - Different ways to get in touch with us including social networking, snail mail and email.

We hope you enjoy your visit to the Governor William H. Upham House--both virtually and in-person!

News Image

The Governor William H. Upham House / NWCHS Website
